30 October 2008

Arrabri Lodge By Julian

Dear Arrabri,
Thankyou for letting us stay at your wonderful camp. I enjoyed mini golf, archery and the giant swing. The meals were great and so was the games room. There was so much to do in free time that I couldn't decide. Your camp is so beautiful that I want to come back next year. To the best camp ever,
From Julian

A Poem By Sarah G

When the last tree has died,
And the last river has been poisoned,
And the last fish caught,
Will we realise that we can't eat money?

24 October 2008

A Very Noisy Birthday Party By Meera

Once there was a very noisy birthday party. The children were screaming and running around. They were driving all the adults mad, so one of the adults thought of an idea.
"Let's eat, "she said."
"Great idea," said another adult and called all the kids to the table and got the food. Just when the adults thought they were going to get some peace and quiet all the kids started talking, shouting, chewing loudly and blowing into their drinks with straws. After they ate the cake which, by the way, was now everywhere;
"Musical Chairs!" yelled one of the kids.
"Yeah," shouted the rest. All the adults were blocking their ears. Well, musical chairs did not work because one of the little boys tripped over a chair leg and fell over. So they had to think about another game instead.
"Musical Statues!" yelled a little girl. It did not work because when the music stopped somebody was standing on one foot so they fell face first onto the floor. So now they had to think of another game.
"I know," said a shy girl, "Let's play Pass the Parcel." So the adults got some old newspapers and some prizes and in no time the kids were playing Pass the Parcel and all the adults thought it was a great game because nobody got hurt, it was fun for the kids and it was quiet.
"Thank goodness for that little girl," said one of the adults quietly. So there you go; a very noisy party turned into a nice quiet party. That was of course until they got bored.

22 October 2008

Creating a Gas By Lisa

To make it fizz up.

You will need:
a clear plastic cup contianing bicarbonate of soda, 3 sultanas, a mixing stick, warm water and a small amount of vinegar.

1. Pour warm water into the bicarbonate of soda.
2. Then put sultanas in.
3. Add vinegar.

It might fizz up and explode all over the table and then the sultanas dissolve.

The sultanas start bopping up and down. It is really exciting because the gas bubbles are pushing them up.


Limerick By Mia

There was a young boy from Mombat
Who picked his nose in combat
He sat on a pin, and ate from the bin
That silly young boy from Mombat

Subliminal Ads By Thalia

Subliminal ads are hard to recognise. They are one second flash ads in the middle of a show. You might not see them but they get caught up in your head and make you want to buy the item. It is illegal. One TV channel has broken the rule. In last year's music awards in 2007 it had subliminal ads. Some of the ads shown were lolly pops, cars, and soft drinks. Also on another kid's game show it showed a video game console. That was a three second flash. That's not so bad. You'll never guess this; after we started watching that show, my sister Georgia wanted the game console for Christmas!