24 November 2008

Ooblek Maker By Kenny

Welcome to our Ooblek maker. Today we will be making Ooblek. First we need a big mixing jar and second we need the cornflour. Put them in the mixing jar and put water in the big mixing jar. Put some food dye in the mixing jar and mix for ten of fifteen minutes. Put the mixture in a big box until it is all filled up and Dr. Anthony and Dr. Julian stem on the Ooblek. Ha, ha! Goodbye, goodbye.

Haiku By Conor

Cool tweety bird flies
BANG, POOF KABANG he flies no more
More endless sleeping

Jokes By Amber

Q: Why do giraffes have long necks?
A: Because their feet stink!

Amber: Knock knock
Renia: Who's there?
Amber: Banana
Renia: Banana who?
Amber: Knock knock
Renia: Who's there?
Amber: Banana
Renia: Banana who?
Amber: Knock knock
Renia: Who's there?
Amber: Orange
Renia: Orange who?
Amber: Orange you glad I didn't say banana!

Limerick By Aidan

There once was a boy called Mie
Who ate a very big pie
He grew nine heads
and went to his bed
And his head exploded and he died

21 November 2008

Haiku By Renia

It was peaceful before they came
There were lakes and flowers
But there aren't any left now

Limerick By Jye

There once was a guy called Jye
Who wanted to eat a pie
His dad said no
So he went to a show
That silly guy called Jye

School Diamond Poem By Isaac

School's great
School is cool
School is so cool
We finish at 3:30
Which is really cool
I like it
It's nice

Ocean Diamond Poem By Bhavisha

Swimming well
Very tired
Resting on the beach
Feel the cool breeze
Oh so nice
Go home

The Rabbits Haiku By Holly

The rabbits came in boats
They stole our children
And scared our friends

Limerick By Renee

My big sister, Deli
Has a very small belly
She walked down the street
and didn't fall on her feet
That silly big sister, Deli

The Blob By Alex

One sunny day a group of people got together.
"What is this cloud doing here?" Bill said, surprised.
"I don't know," replied Dan.
"How are we going to get rid of it?" said Jason.
"It's green," said Jack.
"That's wasn't the answer I was looking for," repled Jason.
"I'm going home," said Jim.
"Me too," said Brad.
"Let's all go home," said Bill.
"Ok," replied the others and they all went home. Three hours late it was 10 o'clock and two big blobs came out of the sky. The next morning a farmer saw the blob and got stuck in it.
"HELP!" he yelled and eventually he got out. That night an evil magician came out of nowhere. He captured the blob and brought it to his castle. I think he teleported somehow. He melted the blob and added some evil essence. He brought the blob back to where he found it. That morning the town (called Bogasville) went crazy. The town was stuck together. If you went outside you would have suffocated. The travellers came. Maybe they could have helped us but the blob has been undefeated. There was one store that had no goo in it; the fire store. Maybe they could melt the blob. I tried ringing them but the phone line snapped. The Darwin bombings were still happening. I saw a group of aeroplanes and heard, "Prepare for bombings in 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.... DROP BOMBS!!! BANG BANG BANG KABOOM!!!!!! The goo got smaller and smaller as it melted. Finally the war stopped. It was now a blob the size of a person. The fire people made some hot stuff. Some builders built a dome. The fire people set a fire in the top. It melted the blob. Ten days later Dan called the group.
"Now, where were we twelve days ago?" said Bill.
"We were talking about the green cloud," replied Jack.
"Hey look, a green cloud," said Jim.