30 March 2009


This week our topic in maths is MEASURING TIME. Please practise your clock times at home using the STOP THE CLOCK game which is linked to our blog. Have Fun. From Miss Jeffery

27 March 2009

Our Famous Mathletes in Action

In class we have been going on the computers. On the computers we have been going on Mathelitcs and there are lots of things on Mathletics. There are tests, live Mathletics which is where you play online, you can make a character and earn credits. Our best is third on the 50 top classes in the world.

26 March 2009

Maths with Miss Marshall

We have been doing a lot of maths work with Miss Marshall. The work we have been doing is addition and subraction which is a lot of fun. The other day the class did a work sheet called 'Secret Code Maths' which was when we had to answer the formal subraction but in codes but up the top it said the number and then the picture to show what the number was. I thought that I was doing it correctly but I wasn't borrowing from the bigger number which made the answer wrong. Then the next day I went on the floor with Ruby because she didn't get it either. Then we worked with Miss Marshall and did some more formal subtraction with MAB and figured out the work sheet. After we finished the work sheet we did some extra formal subtraction in our maths books. Then Ruby and I got it and found it fun.

23 March 2009

Addition Game

This week's topic for maths is addition and subtraction. Here's an addition activity for you to try.

20 March 2009


We had a crazy hair day. The money raised went to the leukaemia foundation. In one junior school council meeting, Jeremy and I decided we should have a crazy hair day! I was shocked that they actually listened to us. We had a crazy assembly! I think that Sara and Miss Jeffery had the craziest hair. Miss Jeffery and Mr Chaffer swapped wigs and Deji thought that Miss Jeffery was growing a beard but that was Mr Chaffer!

19 March 2009

Designer Babies Debate

On Wednesday the 13th we watched BTN which stands for Behind the News. Our online poll was designer babies. Some of us thought it was OK to change the eye and hair colour of the baby, but others thought it wasn't OK! The people who thought changing the hair and eye colour was OK got outvoted! We had a wonderful time voting and wacthing BTN.

Today in class Miss Marshall got us into two groups to do a debate. One group had to think of arguments FOR designer babies and the other group had to think of arguments AGAINST designer babies. Our group had to think of arguments for designer babies. In real life I think it's a bad idea so it was hard to think of arguments. In the end we did the debate. We had to sit at two tables and say the ideas we came up with. It was fun.

Welcome Miss Marshall

On Monday we got a student teacher called Miss Marshall. Miss Marshall is a really clever and nice person. She has been teaching us about communication. She came up with an idea about making a communication timeline by putting the oldest type of communication at the start of the timeline and the most new type of communication at the end. Miss Marshall is a great student teacher.

11 March 2009

Diary of a Wimpy Kid

Things That Sparkle

Hey there my name is Anna and I have thousands of pieces of jewelery. Do you want me to tell you how I got so much jewelery? One day I went on a train and I saw a jewelery store. Then some of the women said "shiny things" at the jewelry store then suddenly the train stopped where I wanted so I went to the jewelery store and inside there were thousands of pieces of jewelery so every week I went to the jewelry store and bought some more.

10 March 2009


This week in maths we are going to be learning about measuing and drawing lines and angles and transformations of shapes. Here is an activity about transformation that you might like to use to practise.

Soft-Toy Mania

There was a little girl called Layla Bailey and we are about talk to about her about her soft toy mania. Her house is full of toys and her dad had to move a few times to different houses and he kept two houses to just put Layla’s toys in them. One day her grandma threw out some toys and Layla was not happy so she bought more and more toys.

06 March 2009

4J Newspaper Articles

Footy Card Fever

Well the footy cards are all sneezing a lot and it’s all because of Alex E L. The reason I am writing this article is to see how much he will pay, if he will pay or go to jail. Well this case will be decided and uncovered on the 24th of March. Watch Judge Judy for the result on channel 10 at 4:30, Be There. By the way I’m not the same one in the article so don’t mistake me please.

Toy Napper Caught REDHANDED

We have discovred a nine year old toy napper. Three year old girl saw it happen. Police have found out that the toy nap occured in Box Hill. K-mart are also missing all their toy stock. Don't forget Target. The punishment will be that she will not be able to cuddle toys until further notice. And the toy napper happens to be Thalia. If you walk along the streets you will see 50 wanted signs. There is a $15,0000 reward.


Amazing news! A ten year old girls collects over 300 ring-pulls before 5 months are over. Elly is so generous to give them in so that people can make wheelchairs out of them. She has collected a lot more, one hundred more! They are flowing out of her door and windows. No one knws where the rest of them have gone, find out on the late news at ten o'clock.


Oliver C has recently decided to collect rocks. He has Dalmatine, D.T.Amethyst, Gold Sandstone, New Jade, Orange Stone, Rodonite, Rose Quartz, Russian Amazonite, Tiger’s Eye, Unkite,Amazonite, Aragonite, Autumn Jasper, Banded Agate, Quartz V Amethyst, Opal, Fossil Ammonite and lots more.


There is a girl called Cassandra, and she stole 'Go Girl' books. The ones she stole were; Sleepover, The Worst Gymnast, Dancing Queen, Kiss Chasey, Know It All, Boyfriend, Basketball Blues, Netball Dreams and The Secret Club. She has stolen 9 books in total.


There was a girl missing, she was gone over night. The police are looking all over for her. They could not find her, not one single piece of evidence. Last night she went to her friends house and did not come home that night. She said to her friend ‘I am going to go home now, bye'. Luckily today she is at home and safe and sound. But the question you want to know is 'Where was she?' She was in a magical world of toys.

04 March 2009

Class Collections

The level threes have being working on stuff about Keeping In Touch because that is what our topic is for term one. 4J have being brainstorming Keeping In Touch words for our homework. As part of our speaking and listening our class news for this week is Collections. We have being brining in collections and have been talking about them. The most popular one is soft toys. Miss Jeffery has been taking photos of us with our precious items around us. Today we wrote a newspaper article about what we brought in.

03 March 2009

Graphs, Tallies and Charts

In our class we have been doing graphs, Tallies and charts. We did a graph about our class mates' birthdays. We also did a tally of who likes different things. I did what's your favourite pet? I found out that people like dogs the most. Dogs got 17 votes. We had fun using the graphs, charts and Tallies and finding out stuff about some people. Maths is fun. By Leah.

02 March 2009

February Dragon

In class we have been reading a book called February Dragon, by Colin Thiele. The most interesting chapter was when Columbine, a 5 year old boy who was playing with his ball but it bounced in the water drum. Columbine tried to get the ball but he fell in as well! He nearly drowned but his dad, Mr Pine saved Columbine and asked why he was in there. Columbine said that he was playing with his ball and it fell into the water drum. It was a really scary chapter and I'm glad he's ok.