20 May 2009

Footy Clinic

On Tuesday the 19th of May two Kangaroos players came to K.P.S. Their names' were Robbie Tarrent (Chris Tarrent's brother) and Liam Anthony. I go for the Kangaroos so it was very exiting for me. My friend and I were invited. I also got their signitures.

North Melbourne Players Come to Visit

On the 19th of May two of the rookies for North Melbourne came to visit K.P.S. Their names were Robbie Tarent and Liam Anthony. At first we did a lap of the oval and then we did some drills like hand passing, marking, attacking the ball and kicking. After that we did those drills where we had a shot on goal each and I got a goal. The players had to go so we asked them some questions and then Mr. McClean started a game but the game didn't go so well so he stopped it. It was a really fun time and a good expeirence.

18 May 2009

Storm Boy by Grace

Last month 4J was reading Storm boy. When Miss Jeffery was reading the part where Mr Percival died she cried. On Friday we watched Storm Boy after lunch. We watched it until home time but it actually took a bit longer. It was a great movie but I actually like the book better. When Miss Jeffery was reading the book I cried as well. But when I watched the movie I didn't cry. We took one month to read Storm Boy. I think Storm Boy is kind of a weird name. Storm Boy was given his name by Finger Bone! When I first heard Storm Boy I thought it was a boring book but after Miss Jeffery kept reading and reading I thought that is was interesting. Some of Mr Chaffer's grade came to 4J as well to watch Storm Boy. The movie, Storm Boy took us 1 hour and 30 mins. I hope I can also watch February Dragon!

String Teachers By Amy

A couple of weeks ago it was a wet day timetable so I went to the cupboard a took out a game called PULL THE STRING! I made MISS JEFFERY! It was really hard to make her out of string. She literally had red hair and a green and yellow t-shirt. They didn't look the same! My portrait isn't good!!!!

Classrooms Past Incursion By Michelle

On the 18th of May 4J, 3V and 3/4C went to the mulit-purpose room. It cost $5.00 to go to the incursion. We used ink pens and blackboard with chalk. It was a bit hard to use the ink pen because you had to dip it in again and again. I didn't get to finish my sheet. It was hard to write the letters. I think it was pretty bad to be in the olden days because you get smacked. It was a red background on the national flag in the olden days. When you sing you had to put your hand on your chest. We didn't really sing the song. In the olden days paper was very precious to them. If a man was a teacher her would get more money that the woman. 10 cents is a lot of money in the olden days. You could buy 42 lollypops. You could also watch 2 moveis for 10 cents.

15 May 2009

Making Bark Huts By Leah

On Thursday level 3 did bark huts. We all had to make a hut before we stuck on all the bark. 4J went outside and we went to put on the bark. Everybody kept yelling out "Miss Jeffery" and it was really funny to see Miss Jeffery running around to put the glue on the bark huts. Some people had to share bark huts because they didn't finish their huts. I shared my one with Catherine. Everybody had so much fun sticking everything on. The end

Snake Hands By Elly

My friend Tran Tran and I can make a snake out of our hands. It takes teamwork and effort to do it. Normally you are meant to make a snake with your own hands, but we can make it with one hand of each. We can make 2 snakes with both hands at the same time. It only took us a day to learn how to do it. We practised all day long, we had a lot of fun practising it and now we always do it. it never gets old.

Specialist Cup Winners 4J! By Tanny

On Friday we finally got our specialist cup. We tried our hardest at Sport, art, music, Japanese and library. Miss Lichfield, our art teacher said we did well in our art creativity and cleaning up. In music we did well, but the boys were messing around. When we sing a song that is like we are pop stars, the boys quickly jump up to dance like crazy. They get in trouble by the music teacher, Mrs Hicks. But if the boys aren't around we must have been better. Some of the boys were sensible. When we went to Japanese that week, our teacher, Sensei told us that we did well that week. We got extra points as well. We were happy because most of the time the teacher takes some off. In sport the girls did well, but the boys are better. We also go to library. Our library teacher is called Mrs Leiry. We try to be quiet and read a book quietly. Mrs Leiry sometimes says we are good. We tried our best. Miss Jeffery was very happy!!!

12 May 2009

Pen Licence Announcement

I would like congratulate the following students who were awarded their full pen licences today;


These four students have been working extremely hard on their handwriting and were very excited to receive their full pen licences. Well done!

From Miss Jeffery

Report on Pirates By Robert

Pirates still travel around the sea. They will always be there because other people will become pirates. There will be more Pirates and more. Pirates have been on the news lately because off the coast of Somalia there have been a lot of pirate attacks.

Pirates are criminals on the sea. They steal fishes from fishing boats and attack every kind of boat. They are a group of sea criminals. They go on different boats so they don’t all get caught at the same time.

There are ships that are trying to hunt down Pirates. They are trying to hunt them down to make sure that they do not steal or attack for now.

You Become a Pirate if you are a criminal on land and you like the sea. You have to be more brave to be a Pirate than just a normal criminal.

11 May 2009

The Missing Earwax By Thalia

I woke up on a Tuesday morning. I couldn't figure out why my bed was so uncomfortable and lumpy. I jumped out and lifted up the matress. Sitting under that ginormous pillow was a 40 tonne piece of....EARWAX! It was disgusting! Who did that belong to because it was not mine! But just as I was about to spew, lying there with it was..... BUFFALO POO! How could it get worse?

"Hey Mum!" I shouted, "I'm just going to Simon's across the road, bye!"
"But... Never mind," she sighed becuase I was already gone. We were on a holiday at Uncle John's house, well actually Uncle John's farm.

Simon was really curious.
"It wasn't me. We do not have any buffalos," he replied. "Try Rachael's," he continued. "She has a buffalo farm."
"OK," I replied.

When I got to Rachael's I had a little chat with her. I was about to talk to her about the not-yet-found intruder. Then I realised she couldn't hear what I was saying because she had no ears. She had sent them to her artistic boyfriend, Picasso. It wasn't worth it so I ditched her. I gave up.

All of a sudden Professor Earman walked into the door. "Excuse me," he started. "I left my precious earwax and buffalo poo here yesterday."
"You came into our house!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. "You are the intruder!"
"Sorry," continued Professor Earman. "I am a sleepwalker."

I didn't know if I could trust him so I had to have revenge. A few nights later I threw one of my boogers at the bottom of his bed and that was it.

04 May 2009

Koonung Music Performance By Alex

Today (4th May) Koonung Secondary College came over to Kerrimuir to play some musical instruments and sing. The first performance was the whole orchestra and then only some of them played. When it got to students who sung, the first student who sang was the best. She sang something from Wicked. Personally my favourite instrument was the trombone. At the end they played Taquila and it was really funny and they got involved with the audience which was good. After that a couple of my mates and me started shouting out encore.