30 July 2009

Penguin Rap

There once was a penguin called Ping.
Who did a cheeky thing.
His mama told him, "Don't go out to sea,
because you're just a tiny baby!
Now listen up kid this is what i've got to say;
It ain't safe to swim cuase there's oil today!"
He's a rip rap naughty naughty penguin.

Ping the Penguin Rap

We got serious bling,bling
And baggy waggy pants
Listen to us sing
While the penguin will dance
There once was a penguin called Ping
Who did a very bad thing
For a boy like him
He got stuck in the sea
By a lassoo of oil
He was swept up to shore
and rescued by a girl,eating an apple core
They washed him and washed him with shiny soap flakes
But they wouldn't let him eat their chocolate cakes

17 July 2009


A few weeks ago 4J started to read a book called Speedy by Colin Theile.
It was about a boy called Mike who fell in love with a wild dolphin called Speedy . They live in Pebble Bay. Each year the Pebble Bay Fish Festival came round. They hold the fish Festival to find out who is the best fisher in Pebble Bay. In the middle of the book Speedy got hurt. The owners of Speedy called a doctor and he said " the cut was 20ms long ", the people in the book said" do you know how he got hurt" the doctor said " the cut looks like a harpoon shot him.

During the night Dan saw two men cutting something. Then in the morning the saw the mooring line.
In the end it was a really happy book because speedy has a baby dolphin called Slim.

Pi numbers

On Thursday the 16th of July grade 4J were finding out things about circles. We went out to the asphalt to draw some circles. We also learnt about "pi" and we wrote the first 257 numbers of "pi". Today we had calculators and Miss Jeffery and I found a formula that = 3.14159265 which are the first 8 decimal digits of "pi". The sum was 360 divided by 114.591559. You can test it on the computer because it doesn't fit on a calculator.

15 July 2009

Koonung Creek Walk

On Monday we went on a walk to Koonung Creek. There we saw all kinds of birds we saw some ducks at the creek. Gavan was taking samples of the water. We talked about if there were any connections to the Yarra River. It was a tiring walk and most of us sat down as we stopped. Mrs V took the photos. The water was dirty when you looked in there. We took a group picture so everyone was in there. We had that walk because our topic was SPLASH!!!!! On the way back everyone was tired and floppy.

Welcome Back for Term 3

We got back from our holidays just about a week ago and we have are starting term 3.
Our topic this term is SPLASH! and we are going to do some work on water, coastlines and habitat enviroments. We made a wordle with all our topic words and it looked really good.We also went on a work to Koonung Creek and took some samples of the water. We are really excited about this new term and we can't wait until we have some fun. We are really looking foward to this term and also can't wait for the next one!