23 October 2009

Whirly Gigs

In 4J we have been making Whirly Gigs with Miss Marshall. In these machines there is an axle that spins around to make the two thingies at the top move. It was very fun making the Whirly Gig and making a video of them.

19 October 2009

Wind-Up Cars

Today with Miss Marshall we made wind-up cars using a stick, a cotton reel, a paper clip, a rubber band and celotape. We have been learning about simple machines and the simple machines in the car are a wheel and axle and a lever. When you wind up the stick it rolls. Here is a video of our cars.

Gadgets and Gismos

This term we have been learning about simple machines. Some of the machines are gears, pulleys, levers, wheels and axles, screws, wedges and inclined planes. Our class split into groups and each group built something different with technic lego. In my group we built a windmill and the people that were in my group were Leah, Elly, Catherine and me. The windmill was hard to make and I was exited when we finally finished it. To make it work you have to wind the handle, then you flip the lever to unlock it and then the windmill turns all by itself. There are four different simple machines in the windmill.

09 October 2009

Water Project Celebration

Thankyou to all the parents who came to our assembly this morning. The students in Level 3 have been working very hard on the various fundrasiers and should feel very proud of their amazing efforts. In total we raised $781 for Oxfam Australia to help them provide fresh clean water for communities in need. This exceeded our expectations by a long way! We have very much appreciated the overwhelming support of the school community.

08 October 2009

Special Assembly and Level 3 Open Day

Hi parents,

Just a reminder that tomorrow morning at assembly we will be celebrating all the work that Level 3 have done for the water findraiser. The students will be singing a song, announcing the winners of the drawing competition and paper plane competition and presenting a cheque to a represtative from Oxfam Australia.

Level 3 are also having an open morning in our classrooms to show some of the work students did in Term 3. Some of the items on display will be:

After studying marine environments and reading 'Pinquo' by Colin Thiele, students made papier mache penguins using one litre milk bottles. They then worked in groups to come up with an idea for a short still-frame animation clip. After completing storyboards, the students took digital photos for the clip and then edited them in Windows MovieMaker.

Marine Animal Posters:
Each student has researched a marine animal of their choice and completed a mini project on this animal.

Book Report Videos:
Students have completed book reports on books that they read in Term 3. They then planned interviews where one student answers another student's questions about the book and reads a passage from the story.

We would love to have the opportunity to share these pieces of work with you and hope that you can make it to our Term 3 celebration.

Miss Jeffery

Introducing Smart Kiddies

Our class now have an account on Smart Kiddies - an Australian primary school maths site. Each student has their own username and password and will be using this website while at school. They may also login at home until about 4.30pm. I will be setting tasks on this site as well as on Mathletics related to maths topics we are currently studying at school. I have added Smart Kiddies to the list of weblinks on our blog.
Miss Jeffery