25 February 2011

This Week We Won the Specialist Cup!

Exposition Writing

This term our writing focus is Exposition. This text type requires forming opinions, giving reasons and evidence for views, being persuasive and carefully organising paragraphs. Our class has been working very hard to learn these skills. Our first exposition can be found in the previous blog post. It was written as a shared piece, with everyone contributing their ideas. If students would like some extra practise on forming convincing arguments they may like to try this game.


I'm working on making this bigger! Zooming in works quite well in the meantime.

22 February 2011

Children Should Do Chores By 3/4A

What do you think would happen if no one ever did any chores? The world wouldn't be itself today. Houses would be gross and disgusting. That is why children should do chores.

Chores can help children earn pocket money. If they use their money wisely they might be able to save up some money. Saving money is great. It allows people to do things they want to do like go on holidays. If chidren spend their own money they won't get spoiled.

Being helpful around the house can have some advantages. If children are helpful around the house they will give their parents more time to relax. It is not good for children to be lazy and they should help their parents out. Being helpful can even give children exercise and help to create a peaceful house.

If children do chores when they are younger, it will help them to know how to do things when they are older. It helps them to become independent and mature. Some of the skills that will help children when they grow up are cooking, hanging out the washing and cleaning.

Chores are an important part of life. If people never learnt to keep things clean they would live in a big mess. If they never learnt to save money they would not be able to buy things like houses, computers or ipads. Have you done your chores today?

11 February 2011

A Great Student

A few days ago, our class did an alphabet list. What we all had to do was for each letter we had to make a good word that a good student will do. Our class made a big poster of an alphabet. A few of the best ones were independent for I, Encourages Others for E and Team Work for T.

Getting to Know You

For the last few days we've been learnig about CALC, which stands for Creating a Learning Community. 34/A and 34/B has made a movie about getting to now each other. and we wrote a 'Who Am I?' quiz. It is a quiz about pepole. We also had to draw a picture of ourselves.

Successful Classroom.

A couple of days ago in clss Miss Jeffery assigned us to draw a successful classroom. My one took a long time to finish because I didn't rush, I was careful and now it's finished! It was beautiful, well to me- I don't know who else! It's very detalied, it has everybody in the class even Miss Jeffery and is
the visitors point of view. Selina drew three and they're sooo beautiful.

03 February 2011

Welcome Back to School!

I'm preparing to welcome my new class for 2011 which is very exciting! I hope that all the students and families from my grade have had a fun and restful break and have made the most of all that special time together. I'm looking forward to hearing about what you've been up to. Mrs Hamilton and I have been very busy planning for Term 1. Our Integrated Unit will be called Gadgets and Gizmos. In this unit we will learn all about simple machines and hopefully have the chance to make some wild and crazy contraptions. Enjoy your final day of holidays, kids! See you all on Friday!