27 June 2012

Circus Concert

Yesterday our school had our Circus Concert.  During the day we walked up to the New Hope church to have our final rehearsal.  Last night we had the concert.  Our class opened the show with our ribbon twirling performance and aeroplane balances.  We wore dazzling sparkly tops.

25 June 2012

Miss Jeffery's Birthday

On Friday our class had a party for Miss Jeffery's birthday.  It was kind of a surprise. We had food and a cake and played Pass the Parcel.  At the end we had lolly bags.  Miss Jeffery wore a flower crown that Johnny's mum made.  It was fun.


In our buddy session last week, we made chatterboxes out of coloured kinder squares.

06 June 2012

Transit of Venus

Today is a very exciting day because Venus is moving past the sun.  It is called the Transit of Venus.  It will take 6 hours for Venus to move past the sun and we can only see this once every 107 years.  We're not allowed to look directly at the sun because it hurts our eyes. 

One of the Dads from our school is called Mr Doblin and he is a scientist.  He brought some special equipment to school today so the kids could look at the Transit of Venus.  We saw a circle of light with a black dot on it.  The circle of light is the sun.  The black dot is Venus.

04 June 2012

2D Shapes

In Prep A we have been learning about 2D shapes. 

We played a game called 'Celebrity Shape' which was lots of fun.  Three people had to sit on a chair and Miss Jeffery drew a picture of a shape behind them.  They had to take turns in asking questions about their shape and try to guess what it was.  The people watching could only answer 'yes' or 'no'.  If the answer was 'yes' they could ask another question.
We have also made 2D shape pictures.  We had to stick coloured paper shapes on a piece of white paper to make a shape creature.  We could also draw on the paper to make a face and a background.  Here is a picture of some of our work.

Writing in Prep A

We have been working very hard on our writing in Prep A.  We have been working on using full stops and capital letters, writing on lines and using finger spaces between words.  When we are not sure how to write a word we can look at word posters around the room, check our 'Word Walls' for the word or try to write it ourselves using our 'Have-a-Go' books.

We've been learning to retell stories in our writing.  We write about what happened at the beginning, middle and end.  Two of the stories that we have written about are 'The Gruffalo' by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler and 'Catch a Dragon' by Lisa Thompson and Andy Hamilton.  Here are some pictures of our writing displays.

Sound Waves Chant