10 August 2010

We Should Do More to Save Water

Australia is running low on water so everyone should help save ater. The following ideas will help you so use them.

If we waste water how does it affect animals? If we take to much water from dams and rivers animals won't have water and they'll die from dehydration. It will also kill plants that aren't in gardens. So that will kill bugs and the birds and when we run out of water people will die too. We have to save water.

If we have long showers every the hot water will run out. When you have showers you'll have cold showers and cold baths.

We can save the planet but if we don't care, things can happen. So get a water tank because when it rains the water tank will catch the water. Then you will be able to use your own hose without wasting water. When it rains all the water floods the gutters, so get a bucket and get all the water and pour it on your plants.

Some people think we don't need to do more to save water because Victoria is getting a desalination plant that cleans the salt water from the sea and puts the salt back into the ocean. That would give Victoria enough water to survive on. We should still try to use less water though because the extra salt going back into the ocean will be harmful to sea creatures.

People in Australia know that they need to start saving water. It's time to start and help the people of Australia.

Kids Shouldn't Do Chores

Some people think that kids should do chores at home and some people think kids should not be given chores at home.

Children should not do chores because if they are washing the dishes they might not wash them properly. Also if the kids wash knives they could accidentally cut themselves. If kids sweep the floor all the dust could go in their face, which isn't good. That is why kids shouldn't do chores.

Children should not do chores at home because they might get tired for school and they are not going to get time for homework or study at home. Children have to study first because education is very important. This is their time to study and learn things that might be good for when they are big.

If children have to do chores they might not be able to go out and meet their friends or talk with their friends. This could get tiring and can also be boring. Kids should be able to go outside and play. If kids do too much of helping they can get stressed and sick.

Some people think kids should do chores at home because they can learn how to do things responsibly but that is not true. Being responsible is good but that would be expecting too much from kids. They should get time to talk and play. Besides, they are just kids!

Finally, children should not do chores because they need a break from school. It is also their only time to study. No chores for kids!

Canteens Should Only Sell Healthy Food

Canteens should sell healthy foods to children so they are healthy. Lollies give you bad health and lollies are unhealthy. It also will develop into.... CANCER! Lots of poeple are dying because of cancer.

Canteens should have healthy food because if kids eat unhealthy food they are not healthy and if they eat healthy food they are healthy.

Canteens should only sell healthy food because if children eat healthy food they can concentrate during class and can get healthier, taller and stronger.

Some people say that children should be able to make their own choice. If canteens sell junk, people might keep eating junk food and waste their money and become fat. Let me ask you, do you care about your health? If you keep eating junk you might have a weight problem.

It is Better to Live Now Than in the Past

In the past we didn't have the internet and we didn't have escalators. We didn't have lifts but now we have mobile phones and we also use the internet on mobile phones. We can also watch cricket matches. We can communicate with people even overseas. We can go in planes to other places instead of taking two years to go in a ship.

It's better to live now than in the past because in the past teachers whack children a lot when they talk to the person next to them when they're supposed to be doing their work.

It's better to live now than in the past because when it was a long time ago there were lost of diseases and now the medical knowledge has improved a lot so many things will be treatable.

Some people may think that it is better to live in the past because children have more discipline and people will learn survival skills. This is true but you can still learn survival skills by camping. Also children still have discipline. It's not like children can do whatever they want.

Cats Should be Locked up at Night

There have been rumours about cats screaming in the middle of the night and cats going into other houses. What do you think?

Cats should not be let out at night because they make noises and they wake people up. They fight with other cats and kill birds. Dogs also fight them and cats might die.

Secondly, if the owners don't put colars on their cats they can lose the cats. When the cats come back they could be severely injured. In the middle of the night people (especially teens) could steal them.

Cats have to be locked up at night because they hurt other pets.

It is cruel to lock up cats at night but if we don't lock up cats at night they might wander off at night and owners will lose them and they might get hit by a car at night.

Cats should be locked up at night because it causes less drama and other things.

Exposition Writing

This term we have been focussing on exposition writing. Today 4J split into writing teams. The teams had to pick a statement card from a mystery box and then roll a die to see if they were going to agree or disagree with the statement. They worked together to write persuasively about their topic, following the structure of exposition writing with paragraph topics and a rebuttals. Here is what they came up with....