10 August 2010

Cats Should be Locked up at Night

There have been rumours about cats screaming in the middle of the night and cats going into other houses. What do you think?

Cats should not be let out at night because they make noises and they wake people up. They fight with other cats and kill birds. Dogs also fight them and cats might die.

Secondly, if the owners don't put colars on their cats they can lose the cats. When the cats come back they could be severely injured. In the middle of the night people (especially teens) could steal them.

Cats have to be locked up at night because they hurt other pets.

It is cruel to lock up cats at night but if we don't lock up cats at night they might wander off at night and owners will lose them and they might get hit by a car at night.

Cats should be locked up at night because it causes less drama and other things.

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