22 August 2011

Waterwatch Food Chains

On Monday we did a Waterwatch incursion and we were learning about food chains. Food chains are when an animal eats another and it goes on. We played a game about food chains where each person had to be a type of creature that eats something else (like shrimp gets algae). Everyone had to move around like their creature inside an area that was called the pond. The things at the bottom of the food chain got to take energy cards from the plants, then when something else ate them they had to pass the energy card on. Later we added pollution cards. The pollution made it difficult because if we were out of energy and there was only pollution left we all start to die. It was a fun game but difficult. We learnt about how pollution harms the whole pond.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fantastic game for demonstrating the food web! from Charlotte's Mum