20 November 2012

Fire Education

The Prep students at Kerrimuir have been learning all about how to stay safe around fires. 

Good Fires
We learnt that there are some good fires such as candles on a birthday cake, heaters, ovens and stoves used for cooking, camp fires for toasting marshmallows.  There must always be adults watching when there is a fire.

Bad Fires
We learnt that there are bad fires.  Bad fires are dangerous and can hurt people.  Some bad fires are bush fires and house fires.  We should have smoke alarms in our houses to warn us if there is smoke or fire that could harm us.

What to Do in a Fire
We learnt some important things to do if there is a fire. 
1. If there is a fire in our house we need to CRAWL DOWN LOW AND GO GO GO!
2. If our clothes are on fire we need to STOP, DROP, COVER, ROLL!
3. In an emergency we can call 000 for a fire engine, ambulance or the police.  We need to know our addresses so that we can tell the person on the phone where to come to help us.
4.  We had some homework to do with our families.  We had to check if we had a smoke alarm.  We also had to work out a meeting spot outside our house where all the members of our families would go if there was a fire.

The Fire Engine
Today we had a very exciting visit from some fire fighters.  We got to go outside and look at the fire engine.  We saw lots of things in the fire engine such as a first aid kit, a ladder and  lots of hoses.  We even got to squirt the hose and hear the siren!

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