04 June 2009

Our Gardening Week

These past few days our class has been gardening after lunch. We have been sweeping, brushing, emptying buckets of water from under the drinking taps and picking up rubbish. During lunch and recess some of our class and some of other classes did some sweeping. We are doing this because it helps our school. On Friday it was our last day of cleaning the school. Anna and Alex got a certificate for cleaning.


Anonymous said...

i love garding


Sophie said...

Nice work 4J. The school is looking wonderful!

Anonymous said...

Good work everyone!!!!!!!!!!

I love gardening !!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

i had a fantastic time gardening!!! well done 4j!!!


Anonymous said...

i would love to do it again sometime


Anonymous said...

well it wa really
discusting when Alex
picked up dog poo
and Miss J said she had
to pick a Yakult bottle
every day!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

go 4j from sara