13 October 2011

Term 4 Welcome

The year sure is flying by! Welcome back to school for Term 4. In the coming weeks Level 3 will be showcasing their work from our 'Splash' unit. This will include our Short Film Festival where our still-frame animation movies will be played. After this 'official' launch, we will be putting the movies on our blog for you to see.

We are also finishing off our Waterwatch Program with a community mural to be displayed in the Whitehorse City Council offices. This mural will be presented to Melbourne Water and the Whitehorse City Council at a special assembly.

Our Term 4 unit is called 'This is Australia' and will focus on geography, culture and historical Australians who have made positive contributions to shaping our nation. Students will be completing projects on historical Australians. It would be wonderful if parents could assist their children to research their topic at local libraries. More information to come!

Thanks for visiting our class blog.

1 comment:

raoger said...

i can't wait untill the holidays.