25 November 2011

Jen's Medal

Jen was recently invited to a special award ceremony where she was given this medal. The medal was for achieving the top score in the state in the University of NSW Computer Competition. This was a very big achievement and we are very proud of Jen!


GEO's Faraway Grannie said...

Wow this medal looks beautiful! Was this for the reading challenge too?

Having a family and school that help you to know all about the joy of reading is a great thing for any young person growing up, and knowing how to accept a challenge is an important life-skill.

So Congratulations and Well Done!

GEO's Faraway Grannie said...

(Sorry I was a bit mixed-up about your medal before, Jen)

Congratulations on coming first in the State and winning the special computer competition medal

This is another skill that will serve you well throughout your life, whatever you choose to be when you grow up.

Keep enjoying computers! Well done!