15 September 2008

Gymnastics Soup By Sara

Mix the cartwheels. Chop up the cleverness. Put in the hand stands. Mash up the beam and the bars. Sift the rope and the bridge. Enjoy the soup!

12 September 2008

Goodbye Miss Cantwell

We've really enjoyed having Miss Cantwell in our class. We've learnt more about direction and had fun making kites and doing maths activities on our new interactive whiteboard. Thankyou Miss Cantwell. We think you'll make a great teacher and we miss you!

Holly and Miss J Minding the Gap

Kites with Miss Cantwell

We have been very lucky this term to have a student teacher in our classroom called Miss Cantwell. It's been lots of fun. We have made kites for our 'Sport and Leisure' unit. Have a look at these pictures of us making our kites and trying to fly them...

02 September 2008

John and John Soup By Laura

(serves 20 people)

1. Choose one Jon/John to put in now and one to put in later.
2. Get a nice clean bowl and put the first Jon/John you chose to go in first then add 2 cups of flower, stir.
3. Put the second Jon/John in the bowl and mash, then taste. If it tastes good heat it up in the oven, if not add half a cup of sugar then heat.
4. Get some herbs (Thyme is the best). Put them in the soup then stir.
5. Serve, eat and and enjoy!

TIP: It tastes great with hot chocolate!

Spiderman Soup By Thalia

Add in a spider, then a man. Put in some DEN DEN DEN (that helps it to get scary). Pour in half a cup of gravy (to help him grow). Choose a web from the laundry. Put all in a bowl and mix well. Put it in front of the heater unitl Spiderman pops out stinking like gravy. If he doesn't stink, do it again. Eat!