I won on Monday, the questions were:
1: Which dog breed has a detective series?
A. Jack Russel
2: In which Harry Potter book does Mad-Eye Moody come in?
A. Harry potter and the goblet of fire or the fourth book.
3: Who is the main character of the Dear Dumb Diary series?
A. Jamie Kelly
They called my name at the end of lunchtime on a loud speacker. I went to the office and I could chose a prize that was in frount of me (As there were loads of different prizes at the office)
I chose a shiny blue pencil, captain underpants tatoo, smiley-face stickers and a bad bookmark. I complained to Alice, who took me, that she now knows the prizes if she wins!!
1 comment:
COOL! I wish I was as smart as you!
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