10 August 2011

Waterwatch Turbidity and Erosion

At school, on Monday the 1st of August, Julie from Healthy Waterways came to school. On that day, Julie taught us two new words to do with water. Erosion is when (in waterways) the wind sculpts the rocks and bits of rock fall into the water and get carried away. Turbidity is the muddiness of the water. When Julie was there, there were two buckets filled with water from two different waterways. We tested their turbidity. To test their turbidity we used a long tube with black lines at the bottom, there were measurements at the side too. You tip the water into the tube and stop when you can't see the lines anymore. Then you measure the water from the measurement from the sides. We did that too and some of us got splashed with water!! It was a very fun afternoon, and we learnt some new words!


GEO's Faraway Grannie (again) said...

They are certainly excellent and useful words!

The fanciest-sounding water word I know is 'eutrophication' ... it's about something pretty bad that can happen to rivers and lakes if we aren't careful.

I am sure that you smart Grade 3-ers will be able to find out what this word means, too!

Anonymous said...

Some people in this class are grade 4ers too Faraway Grannie.