17 December 2009


I would like to thank all the students in 4J for helping to make 2009 such an enjoyable year. I have been most impressed with the way you have all helped each other out and worked together. We sure have had a lot of laughs along the way!

Thank you also to the parents and other family members who have been supportive of our school program, checked our blog regularly and left us comments. It's nice to know that people at home are interested in what we have been doing at school.

It is with some sadness that I say goodbye to this year's 4J class! I wish you all a very Happy Christmas, a safe summer holiday and a all the very best for 2010 as you move on to Grade 5 and some of you take on school leadership positions. I have confidence in your abilities! Go for it!

From Miss Jeffery

2009 refletions

This year has been a good year I think for everyone because most of the class has their pen licences. I have enjoyed most of our activities that we have done this year. Some of the highlights have been Camp at Candlebark Farm. I enjoyed all the activities at camp, but I liked the Super Swooper the most because it went so fast! I also liked canoeing a lot because I did not capsize with my partner, Elly. I liked the people who was in my cabin. They were: Holly, Zoe and Sara.

2009 Reflections

It has been a great year of grade four this year having Miss Jeffery as my teacher. There is so much we have done during this year.
Term One
In term one our topic was Keeping in Touch. For our topic we had pen pals. For pen pals I had a girl named Anna. Our pen pals came from the U.S.A. Another thing we did was CALC which was fun.
Term Two
In term two our topic was 'This is Australia'. For our topic we did a project on a famous Australian. I did Kylie Minogue as my project. We also sang at assembly. The two songs we sang were 'This is Australia' and 'Botany Bay.'
Term Three
In term three our topic was Splash. For our topic we made penguins out of paper Mache. With the penguins we did some still frame animation the animations took a lot of time. Another thing we did was Marine animals posters. I did my poster on a puffin.
Term four
In term four our topic was Gadgets and Gizmos. For our topic we has an incursion for woodwork. At the woodwork we made Wind up speed boats. I had a lot of fun making them. We also made something called a Whirly gig.
Over all I had a great year four.


It's nearly the end of 2009, and of course, just like every year, we put a lot of hard work and effort into it! During term one, our topic was Keeping In Touch. Some of the things that really stood out are getting our very first pen-pals and me getting my L plate for pens! My pen-pal's name was Kjersten and we kept them until the start of term four! That's grade 5 for them!
In term two, we were learning about Australia. We did projects on a Famous Australian. I did mine on Andrew Thomas, an astronaut. That term I also got my full pen-licence. I was so excited!
In term three our topic was Splash. We made paper mache penguins and we ended up doing pengmation with them! The people in my group were Holly, Michelle, Steph, Grace and Ruby. We also started smartkiddies, a maths website!
In term four we made fan powered cars and wind up speed boats. Our topic was Gadgets and Gizmos!

My 2009 reflection

This has been a very memorable year for many reasons but here are some of them; In term one I had I had my very first pen pal, his name was Tannon. I was also very proud when I got my L plate.

In term two we all did a project on a famous Australian, I did mine on A.B 'Banjo' Patterson because next to his name said he was a poet and that sounded interesting to me. We sang a song in front of assembly, and the song was 'Ihis is Australia'.

During the course of term three we did pengmation, I was in a group with Jem, Anthony, Robert, Steven and Ben. We called it 'The Wrestling Match', it was about a wrestling match. Earlier on in the year we started a fundraiser trying to get a well for some families in need of water in Africa. We ended up raising a grand total of $780.00. I played a key roll in part of this because I was one of the three people (Jake, Olivia and me) to talk at assembly and really get involved with the fundraiser.

In term four we did fan powered cars, Fardeen and I were a team and won two times out of three because the last time we lost two wheels. I also enjoyed doing the balloon powered cars that was lots of fun although we did not do very well.

My 2009 Reflection

My year in grade 4j has been great.One of the many highlights of my year was in term 1. in term 1 my highlight was when we got our penpal letter, i had fun talking to my penpal Mckaylee.In term 2 my favourite time was making our famous Australian projects. My person was Henry Christopher Lawson, he was a famous poet. I found many facts about him. Also In term 2 we learnt this Australian song. In Term 3 I liked it when the level 3 did a fundraiser for people who don't have clean water like us.We raised $708. My other highlight in term 3 was when we did the pengmation.I had fun doing that with my group. In Term 4 my highlight was making the balloon powered cars.Also I couldn't forget my lovely, kind, sweet, reliable, pretty, intelligent,trustworthy and smart teacher Miss Jeffery.That is my reflection of this year!

2009 Reflection

2009 has ben a great year and it's nearly the end. In Term 4 we do something about Gadgets ad Gizmos with our nice and kind Miss Jeffery and Miss Marshall. We built a simple machine out of Lego. Also we learned about simple machines. We made many more inventions as well but the most greatest invention we made was fan-powered cars because we use eldctric to powered up the fans. Then we drew something good on a paper flag. Then also we did a profect about inventions. On Wednesday we went for a long hike to a creek and had a picnic. We walked a long way and it's really hot but it's still a lot of fun!!!

04 December 2009

Send your own ElfYourself eCards

Woodwork incursion

Today 4J went to a woodwork incursion in the art room. We made a speedboat. Our instructor's name was George. Some of the things we used were a saw, sandpaper and wood. It took us an hour and a half to make. We shared a desk, but made our own speedboat. We added a little stick and put a woodwork sticker on the stick to make a flag. I had a great day!

27 November 2009

My Project

My project is scissor. Scissor used to Cut. scissor are used to cut paper,card bord, metal foil, thin plastic, cloth, rope, hair and even used in the garden to cut Leaves.
How they work: scissors have two blades that cross over in the midde. The blades are sharpened at one end and the two blades slide againts each other to cut. The first scissor were invented in Ancient Egypt arond 1500 bc.CROSS-BLADE scissor like we ues today were first invented by Romans around 100.

who invented them: Jean-Cloude.
where: ancient EGYPT.
When: 3rd centruy BC.


Term 4 Project

in term 4 we made projects on a invetion. People did TypeWriters, Kites, a Can Opener, a Scissor, Saftey pin, telphone, etc. I did mine on a battery, it was made by a italian named Alessandro Volta in the earlier 1800s on October 23rd. A intresting thing i found out was that the battery was a combination of a 1 or more electrochemical cells. I did my project on the battery is because my friend Kevin so I wanted to steal it from him and i also wanted to do it on the battery.


Yesterday there was a horrifing storm,heaps of people were freaked out and or crying either worried about their pets or just plain scared. i wouldn't blame them i almost SCREAMED. Heaps of trees have been pulled by the roots other trees branches had fallen big or small. Our classroom had the best view of the stom in action the wind was blowing the rain everywhere and the lightning in the backround and the sound of thunder one of the kids was doing compost and a mini hurracane allmost lifted him off the ground (but not someone from 4J).

20 November 2009

Tawny Frog Mouth

Today a few kids spotted three Tawny Frog Mouths in the playground. There were two adults and one baby. The kids kept on yelling at them and they got scared, poor birds! One of them looked at me, STARED in fact and they open their mouths as they stare and that's not a good sign. If they do that they may start attacking.... so I backed away.

16 November 2009

Level 3 Camp

On the 4th of November level 3 went to Candlebark Farm. When we arrived we sat down in the dinning room and discust the rules of the camp

13 November 2009


Recently year 3 went to camp in Healesville. The camp was called Candlebark Farm. Every time you co to a camp you have groups for the activities and at the camp that we went to this year had Super Swooper is a really big flying foxing, little flying fox and much more that I can't remmber. We also had cabbins the best thing about the cabins is that there is a toilet and a shower in the cabin. Camp was SO much fun.

Fan Powered Cars

Recently in class, we made fan powered cars with Mr. Blamey. We were working in pairs instead of groups. I was working with Cathy. After we had made the cars, we had a race. I think that our car came 1st or 2nd, or maybe even last!!!! I think we had 4 turn rounds of racing, 2 turns each of letting it go, and 2 turns of catching the car.

23 October 2009

Whirly Gigs

In 4J we have been making Whirly Gigs with Miss Marshall. In these machines there is an axle that spins around to make the two thingies at the top move. It was very fun making the Whirly Gig and making a video of them.

19 October 2009

Wind-Up Cars

Today with Miss Marshall we made wind-up cars using a stick, a cotton reel, a paper clip, a rubber band and celotape. We have been learning about simple machines and the simple machines in the car are a wheel and axle and a lever. When you wind up the stick it rolls. Here is a video of our cars.

Gadgets and Gismos

This term we have been learning about simple machines. Some of the machines are gears, pulleys, levers, wheels and axles, screws, wedges and inclined planes. Our class split into groups and each group built something different with technic lego. In my group we built a windmill and the people that were in my group were Leah, Elly, Catherine and me. The windmill was hard to make and I was exited when we finally finished it. To make it work you have to wind the handle, then you flip the lever to unlock it and then the windmill turns all by itself. There are four different simple machines in the windmill.

09 October 2009

Water Project Celebration

Thankyou to all the parents who came to our assembly this morning. The students in Level 3 have been working very hard on the various fundrasiers and should feel very proud of their amazing efforts. In total we raised $781 for Oxfam Australia to help them provide fresh clean water for communities in need. This exceeded our expectations by a long way! We have very much appreciated the overwhelming support of the school community.

08 October 2009

Special Assembly and Level 3 Open Day

Hi parents,

Just a reminder that tomorrow morning at assembly we will be celebrating all the work that Level 3 have done for the water findraiser. The students will be singing a song, announcing the winners of the drawing competition and paper plane competition and presenting a cheque to a represtative from Oxfam Australia.

Level 3 are also having an open morning in our classrooms to show some of the work students did in Term 3. Some of the items on display will be:

After studying marine environments and reading 'Pinquo' by Colin Thiele, students made papier mache penguins using one litre milk bottles. They then worked in groups to come up with an idea for a short still-frame animation clip. After completing storyboards, the students took digital photos for the clip and then edited them in Windows MovieMaker.

Marine Animal Posters:
Each student has researched a marine animal of their choice and completed a mini project on this animal.

Book Report Videos:
Students have completed book reports on books that they read in Term 3. They then planned interviews where one student answers another student's questions about the book and reads a passage from the story.

We would love to have the opportunity to share these pieces of work with you and hope that you can make it to our Term 3 celebration.

Miss Jeffery

Introducing Smart Kiddies

Our class now have an account on Smart Kiddies - an Australian primary school maths site. Each student has their own username and password and will be using this website while at school. They may also login at home until about 4.30pm. I will be setting tasks on this site as well as on Mathletics related to maths topics we are currently studying at school. I have added Smart Kiddies to the list of weblinks on our blog.
Miss Jeffery

14 September 2009

The Wrestling Match

Music used in credits: 'My Name is Jonas' By Weezer

11 September 2009

Ice-Skating Disco

Chess Board Challenge

Today Miss Jeffery set us a challenge. We had to count how many squares were on a chess board. You may think that it's 64 but no, we had to count those squares and the bigger squares! We found out a pattern. We worked out that there were 64 single squares and 49 two by two sized squares. As they are both square numbers (8x8 and 7x7) we predicted that there would be 36 three by three sized squares, 25 four by four sized squares and so on. And we were right! So you can see our pattern. In the end all of them together is........ 204! We had lots of fun finding out and writing sums ( Miss Jeffery the most) we all had super duper FUN.


libary walk

On wednesday level 3 went on a walk to the box hill library. we went to listen to a aurthor/illistrator tell us about her book. her name is jan alldred, she is the author of water witcher, the book is based on real life. her grandfather was a real water witcher.

01 September 2009

Papier Mache Penguins

We are making papier mache penguins. We started them this term. Right now we are painting them.


On Friday our school went to ATHLETIC SPORTS. Some of the sports that people did were Ball Throw, long jump and discus. I was in the tunnel ball team and I did high jump. The weather was nice.


For nearly two weeks we have been whole school swimming at Aquarena at different times of the day. We go from 11:00 to 11:45 with ten minutes to get changed back into our clothes. We have a bus hired to go around in a circle which then would pick up the next group! I am with Lorna who teaches the 'Tuna' group. 3/4C go in the bus with us too!


The grade 3s and 4s are doing fundraising because other contries is so unlucky and have dirty water to drink. We would like to raise enough money to buy a well for a country in need. So far the Level 3 parents have held a morning tea and today 3V had thier 50 cent morning tea. 4J are holding a drawing competition which will be open until 4th October. The topic is 'water' and entries are to be on A4 sized paper. We have some great prizes for the 1st and 2nd place winners in Prep-2, Grades 3-4 and Grades 5-6. It will cost $1.00 to enter the competion and the drawings will be displayed near the office. We hope lots of children from school will enter!

Marine Animals

In class we are making posters about marine animals. We had to do some research on our animal using the internet. We filled in a planning sheet first and then started our posters. Some people did stingrays. Some people did seahores. Some people did sharks and some people even did blue whales. There are thirteen posters up so far but there will be more. Most people said they liked doing there posters and some people said they didn't because they didnt know how to draw thier animals. I didn't know how to draw my animal but I still did well actually dont tell anyone but Miss Jeffery did the outline and I did the rest.

31 August 2009

Cyber Safety

How cyber smart are you? Please have a look at the cyber safety link below where you will find a quiz and information about being safe while using the internet.

The Playground Bandits

05 August 2009

Body Boggle

In literacy rotations this week we have been playing Body Boggle. It's a bit like Twister and a bit like Boggle. We had to work in pairs to spell out different words. It was very funny and lots of fun.

30 July 2009

Penguin Rap

There once was a penguin called Ping.
Who did a cheeky thing.
His mama told him, "Don't go out to sea,
because you're just a tiny baby!
Now listen up kid this is what i've got to say;
It ain't safe to swim cuase there's oil today!"
He's a rip rap naughty naughty penguin.

Ping the Penguin Rap

We got serious bling,bling
And baggy waggy pants
Listen to us sing
While the penguin will dance
There once was a penguin called Ping
Who did a very bad thing
For a boy like him
He got stuck in the sea
By a lassoo of oil
He was swept up to shore
and rescued by a girl,eating an apple core
They washed him and washed him with shiny soap flakes
But they wouldn't let him eat their chocolate cakes

17 July 2009


A few weeks ago 4J started to read a book called Speedy by Colin Theile.
It was about a boy called Mike who fell in love with a wild dolphin called Speedy . They live in Pebble Bay. Each year the Pebble Bay Fish Festival came round. They hold the fish Festival to find out who is the best fisher in Pebble Bay. In the middle of the book Speedy got hurt. The owners of Speedy called a doctor and he said " the cut was 20ms long ", the people in the book said" do you know how he got hurt" the doctor said " the cut looks like a harpoon shot him.

During the night Dan saw two men cutting something. Then in the morning the saw the mooring line.
In the end it was a really happy book because speedy has a baby dolphin called Slim.

Pi numbers

On Thursday the 16th of July grade 4J were finding out things about circles. We went out to the asphalt to draw some circles. We also learnt about "pi" and we wrote the first 257 numbers of "pi". Today we had calculators and Miss Jeffery and I found a formula that = 3.14159265 which are the first 8 decimal digits of "pi". The sum was 360 divided by 114.591559. You can test it on the computer because it doesn't fit on a calculator.

15 July 2009

Koonung Creek Walk

On Monday we went on a walk to Koonung Creek. There we saw all kinds of birds we saw some ducks at the creek. Gavan was taking samples of the water. We talked about if there were any connections to the Yarra River. It was a tiring walk and most of us sat down as we stopped. Mrs V took the photos. The water was dirty when you looked in there. We took a group picture so everyone was in there. We had that walk because our topic was SPLASH!!!!! On the way back everyone was tired and floppy.

Welcome Back for Term 3

We got back from our holidays just about a week ago and we have are starting term 3.
Our topic this term is SPLASH! and we are going to do some work on water, coastlines and habitat enviroments. We made a wordle with all our topic words and it looked really good.We also went on a work to Koonung Creek and took some samples of the water. We are really excited about this new term and we can't wait until we have some fun. We are really looking foward to this term and also can't wait for the next one!

17 June 2009

Miss Jeffery's 30th Birthday

I had a lovely day yesterday for my birthday and it was nice sharing it with another birthday girl, Mrs Italiano! The kids in 4J certainly spoiled me by singing Happy Birthday twice (very loudly) with 30 claps. Thankyou very much to Gavan and Belinda for bringing in delicious cupcakes and 30 helium balloons in my favourite colours! What a surprise! Thankyou also to Racael, Cathy, Alison and the staff at Kerrimuir for the beautiful flowers. It was a very special day.

04 June 2009

The Lastest Craze to Hit Level 3....

All the girls from 4J, 3/4C and 3V did a special hand thing in a huge circle. All the boys danced in the middle of the circle. The hand thing is called Peter Pan. The girl who made it up is Catherine. Miss Jeffery and Mr Chaffer video taped it. We got to watch it on the interactive whiteboard. The words go like this: "Peter Pan is a man. He can fly through the sky. Tinkerbell is a girl. She can fly through the sky. FREEZE!" and we all had to freeze. It was so Fun!!!

Our Gardening Week

These past few days our class has been gardening after lunch. We have been sweeping, brushing, emptying buckets of water from under the drinking taps and picking up rubbish. During lunch and recess some of our class and some of other classes did some sweeping. We are doing this because it helps our school. On Friday it was our last day of cleaning the school. Anna and Alex got a certificate for cleaning.

20 May 2009

Footy Clinic

On Tuesday the 19th of May two Kangaroos players came to K.P.S. Their names' were Robbie Tarrent (Chris Tarrent's brother) and Liam Anthony. I go for the Kangaroos so it was very exiting for me. My friend and I were invited. I also got their signitures.

North Melbourne Players Come to Visit

On the 19th of May two of the rookies for North Melbourne came to visit K.P.S. Their names were Robbie Tarent and Liam Anthony. At first we did a lap of the oval and then we did some drills like hand passing, marking, attacking the ball and kicking. After that we did those drills where we had a shot on goal each and I got a goal. The players had to go so we asked them some questions and then Mr. McClean started a game but the game didn't go so well so he stopped it. It was a really fun time and a good expeirence.

18 May 2009

Storm Boy by Grace

Last month 4J was reading Storm boy. When Miss Jeffery was reading the part where Mr Percival died she cried. On Friday we watched Storm Boy after lunch. We watched it until home time but it actually took a bit longer. It was a great movie but I actually like the book better. When Miss Jeffery was reading the book I cried as well. But when I watched the movie I didn't cry. We took one month to read Storm Boy. I think Storm Boy is kind of a weird name. Storm Boy was given his name by Finger Bone! When I first heard Storm Boy I thought it was a boring book but after Miss Jeffery kept reading and reading I thought that is was interesting. Some of Mr Chaffer's grade came to 4J as well to watch Storm Boy. The movie, Storm Boy took us 1 hour and 30 mins. I hope I can also watch February Dragon!

String Teachers By Amy

A couple of weeks ago it was a wet day timetable so I went to the cupboard a took out a game called PULL THE STRING! I made MISS JEFFERY! It was really hard to make her out of string. She literally had red hair and a green and yellow t-shirt. They didn't look the same! My portrait isn't good!!!!

Classrooms Past Incursion By Michelle

On the 18th of May 4J, 3V and 3/4C went to the mulit-purpose room. It cost $5.00 to go to the incursion. We used ink pens and blackboard with chalk. It was a bit hard to use the ink pen because you had to dip it in again and again. I didn't get to finish my sheet. It was hard to write the letters. I think it was pretty bad to be in the olden days because you get smacked. It was a red background on the national flag in the olden days. When you sing you had to put your hand on your chest. We didn't really sing the song. In the olden days paper was very precious to them. If a man was a teacher her would get more money that the woman. 10 cents is a lot of money in the olden days. You could buy 42 lollypops. You could also watch 2 moveis for 10 cents.

15 May 2009

Making Bark Huts By Leah

On Thursday level 3 did bark huts. We all had to make a hut before we stuck on all the bark. 4J went outside and we went to put on the bark. Everybody kept yelling out "Miss Jeffery" and it was really funny to see Miss Jeffery running around to put the glue on the bark huts. Some people had to share bark huts because they didn't finish their huts. I shared my one with Catherine. Everybody had so much fun sticking everything on. The end

Snake Hands By Elly

My friend Tran Tran and I can make a snake out of our hands. It takes teamwork and effort to do it. Normally you are meant to make a snake with your own hands, but we can make it with one hand of each. We can make 2 snakes with both hands at the same time. It only took us a day to learn how to do it. We practised all day long, we had a lot of fun practising it and now we always do it. it never gets old.

Specialist Cup Winners 4J! By Tanny

On Friday we finally got our specialist cup. We tried our hardest at Sport, art, music, Japanese and library. Miss Lichfield, our art teacher said we did well in our art creativity and cleaning up. In music we did well, but the boys were messing around. When we sing a song that is like we are pop stars, the boys quickly jump up to dance like crazy. They get in trouble by the music teacher, Mrs Hicks. But if the boys aren't around we must have been better. Some of the boys were sensible. When we went to Japanese that week, our teacher, Sensei told us that we did well that week. We got extra points as well. We were happy because most of the time the teacher takes some off. In sport the girls did well, but the boys are better. We also go to library. Our library teacher is called Mrs Leiry. We try to be quiet and read a book quietly. Mrs Leiry sometimes says we are good. We tried our best. Miss Jeffery was very happy!!!

12 May 2009

Pen Licence Announcement

I would like congratulate the following students who were awarded their full pen licences today;


These four students have been working extremely hard on their handwriting and were very excited to receive their full pen licences. Well done!

From Miss Jeffery

Report on Pirates By Robert

Pirates still travel around the sea. They will always be there because other people will become pirates. There will be more Pirates and more. Pirates have been on the news lately because off the coast of Somalia there have been a lot of pirate attacks.

Pirates are criminals on the sea. They steal fishes from fishing boats and attack every kind of boat. They are a group of sea criminals. They go on different boats so they don’t all get caught at the same time.

There are ships that are trying to hunt down Pirates. They are trying to hunt them down to make sure that they do not steal or attack for now.

You Become a Pirate if you are a criminal on land and you like the sea. You have to be more brave to be a Pirate than just a normal criminal.

11 May 2009

The Missing Earwax By Thalia

I woke up on a Tuesday morning. I couldn't figure out why my bed was so uncomfortable and lumpy. I jumped out and lifted up the matress. Sitting under that ginormous pillow was a 40 tonne piece of....EARWAX! It was disgusting! Who did that belong to because it was not mine! But just as I was about to spew, lying there with it was..... BUFFALO POO! How could it get worse?

"Hey Mum!" I shouted, "I'm just going to Simon's across the road, bye!"
"But... Never mind," she sighed becuase I was already gone. We were on a holiday at Uncle John's house, well actually Uncle John's farm.

Simon was really curious.
"It wasn't me. We do not have any buffalos," he replied. "Try Rachael's," he continued. "She has a buffalo farm."
"OK," I replied.

When I got to Rachael's I had a little chat with her. I was about to talk to her about the not-yet-found intruder. Then I realised she couldn't hear what I was saying because she had no ears. She had sent them to her artistic boyfriend, Picasso. It wasn't worth it so I ditched her. I gave up.

All of a sudden Professor Earman walked into the door. "Excuse me," he started. "I left my precious earwax and buffalo poo here yesterday."
"You came into our house!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. "You are the intruder!"
"Sorry," continued Professor Earman. "I am a sleepwalker."

I didn't know if I could trust him so I had to have revenge. A few nights later I threw one of my boogers at the bottom of his bed and that was it.

04 May 2009

Koonung Music Performance By Alex

Today (4th May) Koonung Secondary College came over to Kerrimuir to play some musical instruments and sing. The first performance was the whole orchestra and then only some of them played. When it got to students who sung, the first student who sang was the best. She sang something from Wicked. Personally my favourite instrument was the trombone. At the end they played Taquila and it was really funny and they got involved with the audience which was good. After that a couple of my mates and me started shouting out encore.

24 April 2009

Starting a New Term By Ruby

This term we are talking about Australia and its history. We have already done some work on Australia's history in our homework and in class. Some of us knew lots about Australia's history. It has already been quite fun doing some work on Australia. We have also got new table buddies. My table buddy is Tran Tran. It was already good today because we had a wet-day-time-table and have started a new book that Miss Jeffery reads to the class. It is about this boy called Storm Boy. He has a dad called Hide-Away. The last story was very sad because Ginger (one of our favourite characters) and Puss'll-Do died because of bush fires.

03 April 2009

Super Egg

Our Aussie of the Month

Today at assembly Elly was selected as the February Aussie of the Month for Kerrimuir Primary School. Congratulations, Elly!

30 March 2009


This week our topic in maths is MEASURING TIME. Please practise your clock times at home using the STOP THE CLOCK game which is linked to our blog. Have Fun. From Miss Jeffery

27 March 2009

Our Famous Mathletes in Action

In class we have been going on the computers. On the computers we have been going on Mathelitcs and there are lots of things on Mathletics. There are tests, live Mathletics which is where you play online, you can make a character and earn credits. Our best is third on the 50 top classes in the world.