17 December 2009

My 2009 reflection

This has been a very memorable year for many reasons but here are some of them; In term one I had I had my very first pen pal, his name was Tannon. I was also very proud when I got my L plate.

In term two we all did a project on a famous Australian, I did mine on A.B 'Banjo' Patterson because next to his name said he was a poet and that sounded interesting to me. We sang a song in front of assembly, and the song was 'Ihis is Australia'.

During the course of term three we did pengmation, I was in a group with Jem, Anthony, Robert, Steven and Ben. We called it 'The Wrestling Match', it was about a wrestling match. Earlier on in the year we started a fundraiser trying to get a well for some families in need of water in Africa. We ended up raising a grand total of $780.00. I played a key roll in part of this because I was one of the three people (Jake, Olivia and me) to talk at assembly and really get involved with the fundraiser.

In term four we did fan powered cars, Fardeen and I were a team and won two times out of three because the last time we lost two wheels. I also enjoyed doing the balloon powered cars that was lots of fun although we did not do very well.

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