17 December 2009


I would like to thank all the students in 4J for helping to make 2009 such an enjoyable year. I have been most impressed with the way you have all helped each other out and worked together. We sure have had a lot of laughs along the way!

Thank you also to the parents and other family members who have been supportive of our school program, checked our blog regularly and left us comments. It's nice to know that people at home are interested in what we have been doing at school.

It is with some sadness that I say goodbye to this year's 4J class! I wish you all a very Happy Christmas, a safe summer holiday and a all the very best for 2010 as you move on to Grade 5 and some of you take on school leadership positions. I have confidence in your abilities! Go for it!

From Miss Jeffery

2009 refletions

This year has been a good year I think for everyone because most of the class has their pen licences. I have enjoyed most of our activities that we have done this year. Some of the highlights have been Camp at Candlebark Farm. I enjoyed all the activities at camp, but I liked the Super Swooper the most because it went so fast! I also liked canoeing a lot because I did not capsize with my partner, Elly. I liked the people who was in my cabin. They were: Holly, Zoe and Sara.

2009 Reflections

It has been a great year of grade four this year having Miss Jeffery as my teacher. There is so much we have done during this year.
Term One
In term one our topic was Keeping in Touch. For our topic we had pen pals. For pen pals I had a girl named Anna. Our pen pals came from the U.S.A. Another thing we did was CALC which was fun.
Term Two
In term two our topic was 'This is Australia'. For our topic we did a project on a famous Australian. I did Kylie Minogue as my project. We also sang at assembly. The two songs we sang were 'This is Australia' and 'Botany Bay.'
Term Three
In term three our topic was Splash. For our topic we made penguins out of paper Mache. With the penguins we did some still frame animation the animations took a lot of time. Another thing we did was Marine animals posters. I did my poster on a puffin.
Term four
In term four our topic was Gadgets and Gizmos. For our topic we has an incursion for woodwork. At the woodwork we made Wind up speed boats. I had a lot of fun making them. We also made something called a Whirly gig.
Over all I had a great year four.


It's nearly the end of 2009, and of course, just like every year, we put a lot of hard work and effort into it! During term one, our topic was Keeping In Touch. Some of the things that really stood out are getting our very first pen-pals and me getting my L plate for pens! My pen-pal's name was Kjersten and we kept them until the start of term four! That's grade 5 for them!
In term two, we were learning about Australia. We did projects on a Famous Australian. I did mine on Andrew Thomas, an astronaut. That term I also got my full pen-licence. I was so excited!
In term three our topic was Splash. We made paper mache penguins and we ended up doing pengmation with them! The people in my group were Holly, Michelle, Steph, Grace and Ruby. We also started smartkiddies, a maths website!
In term four we made fan powered cars and wind up speed boats. Our topic was Gadgets and Gizmos!

My 2009 reflection

This has been a very memorable year for many reasons but here are some of them; In term one I had I had my very first pen pal, his name was Tannon. I was also very proud when I got my L plate.

In term two we all did a project on a famous Australian, I did mine on A.B 'Banjo' Patterson because next to his name said he was a poet and that sounded interesting to me. We sang a song in front of assembly, and the song was 'Ihis is Australia'.

During the course of term three we did pengmation, I was in a group with Jem, Anthony, Robert, Steven and Ben. We called it 'The Wrestling Match', it was about a wrestling match. Earlier on in the year we started a fundraiser trying to get a well for some families in need of water in Africa. We ended up raising a grand total of $780.00. I played a key roll in part of this because I was one of the three people (Jake, Olivia and me) to talk at assembly and really get involved with the fundraiser.

In term four we did fan powered cars, Fardeen and I were a team and won two times out of three because the last time we lost two wheels. I also enjoyed doing the balloon powered cars that was lots of fun although we did not do very well.

My 2009 Reflection

My year in grade 4j has been great.One of the many highlights of my year was in term 1. in term 1 my highlight was when we got our penpal letter, i had fun talking to my penpal Mckaylee.In term 2 my favourite time was making our famous Australian projects. My person was Henry Christopher Lawson, he was a famous poet. I found many facts about him. Also In term 2 we learnt this Australian song. In Term 3 I liked it when the level 3 did a fundraiser for people who don't have clean water like us.We raised $708. My other highlight in term 3 was when we did the pengmation.I had fun doing that with my group. In Term 4 my highlight was making the balloon powered cars.Also I couldn't forget my lovely, kind, sweet, reliable, pretty, intelligent,trustworthy and smart teacher Miss Jeffery.That is my reflection of this year!

2009 Reflection

2009 has ben a great year and it's nearly the end. In Term 4 we do something about Gadgets ad Gizmos with our nice and kind Miss Jeffery and Miss Marshall. We built a simple machine out of Lego. Also we learned about simple machines. We made many more inventions as well but the most greatest invention we made was fan-powered cars because we use eldctric to powered up the fans. Then we drew something good on a paper flag. Then also we did a profect about inventions. On Wednesday we went for a long hike to a creek and had a picnic. We walked a long way and it's really hot but it's still a lot of fun!!!

04 December 2009

Send your own ElfYourself eCards

Woodwork incursion

Today 4J went to a woodwork incursion in the art room. We made a speedboat. Our instructor's name was George. Some of the things we used were a saw, sandpaper and wood. It took us an hour and a half to make. We shared a desk, but made our own speedboat. We added a little stick and put a woodwork sticker on the stick to make a flag. I had a great day!